
New Release "anemone"

in stores now


*Click the artwork for full-length preview.

It is now available at bandcamp and in-world music store nitairera.

And this time, we also made the music video for this song.

anemone music video


Videos – Chouchou live at AVENUE’s 3rd Anniversary

Here's Chouchou's new live videos from AVENUE's 3rd anniversary.


Chouchou Sound Collection Albums

*Chouchou Sound Collection Albums*

"sound01 feather" "sound02 story"

*Click each artwork for full-length preview.

This album is like a little box of Chouchou sounds for your daily life. You can use them for your computer like startup and shutdown sounds, email sounds, skype sounds and so on. If you're using iPhone, you can also set them as your ringtones and alarms.

They are now available at bandcamp and in-world music store nitairera.


New Album "VINCULUM"

*in stores now*


*Click the artwork for full-length preview.

VINCULUM Lyrics and Artworks


It is now available at iTunes, bandcamp and in-world music store nitairera.


Videos – Chouchou live at Electrogram 2010

Live videos from Chouchou's live at Electrogram 2010 are now on Youtube.